The Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire is designed to give statements about job readiness and understanding and have the taker rate their agreement or disagreement with the statements. My results are presented below.
February 2019 Update
I think general indecisiveness is probably still a moderate difficulty for me. Is it still a 4.3? Probably not, I am usually content in decisions that affect only me. When decisions involve others, that is where indecisiveness lives for me. Dysfunctional beliefs I think are just stemming from fear of the unknown. Filling the void of what you don't know with whatever you think makes most sense is probably where this comes from. This goes away with experience more than anything, so I am not too concerned about it, and it has probably fallen out of moderate level.
None of the rest of these are too high, so they aren't really issues. I think the only other one worth mentioning is lack of information about the self. I learned a lot about myself by going through graduate school, so while that is the next highest, I definitely think it would be lower were I to take this again.